"There are people that come into our lives, some never to be heard from again and others that no matter where they move to, remain a part of your life and who show you how to grow as a person; Janice is one of those rare people, she's great!" --J.R.S., Motivational Speaker and Life Coach
"In the past two years, Janice and I have worked on two different income-producing projects, both of which would not have materialized without her input. She is easy to work with, honest, bright, capable, and in every way a true professional. Without Janice, none of this would have happened."
--P.V., Teacher and Business Owner
--P.V., Teacher and Business Owner
"My association with Janice has spanned over ten years. Janice has been an avid proponent of study and hard work. The methods and standards to which she holds herself are above reproach. She has a good level of humor in her style which allows the learning situation to be pleasing. I have seen the extent she will go to provide excellent service to her clients. I look forward to referring clients to her."
--M.B.H., Realtor
--M.B.H., Realtor
"I had the pleasure of working with Ms. Janice Lind beginning about 2002. Although I regret that Ms. Lind will be leaving this state, I wish her the very best of luck, and I'm sure she will be successful in all of her endeavors in Washington. She is able to wear multiple hats comfortably, and will definitely be an asset in the Washington community." --D.C.F., State Government Official
"As a lawyer with over 30 years of experience, I know that I have a unique and valuable perspective with regards to Ms. Janice Lind, whom I have known for several years as a personal client and friend. Janice has an excellent reputation in the industry and in some circles she is even considered one of our "younger" gurus. As a result of her work innovating and creating a massive overhaul project, Janice became the key "go-to" person for staff. She has always conducted herself with the highest professional ethics and standards. I recommend her highly." --D.F.D. Esq., Attorney
"Janice's words and insight helped us stay calm, make some crucial decisions about how to handle the situation, and pinpoint some areas where we needed to move on to new behaviors." --L.W., Parent