About Our Logo
Damselfly: According to Ted Andrews in Animal Speak, damselflies and dragonflies signify the power of light: "Life is never quite the way it appears, but is always filled with light and color. [Damselfly] can help you see through your illusions and thus allow your own light to shine forth. [Damselfly] brings the brightness of transformation and the wonder of colorful new vision." The spiral antennae represent our readiness for change; our being seized by a sacred fire.
Square: According to Wikipedia, "... the square symbolizes our desire to find our way in a confusing world by providing us with directions. " The square symbolizes our ability to bring ideas into form.
Bump: In the Scientific and Mathematical section of Symbols by Sandra Forty, she documents the line-bump-line piece of our logo's square as the symbol for Spirit: "Alchemists considered life a vital essence -- that is, a substance independent from bodily existence that [is] the 'active presence in all of us that strives toward perfection.' "
Square: According to Wikipedia, "... the square symbolizes our desire to find our way in a confusing world by providing us with directions. " The square symbolizes our ability to bring ideas into form.
Bump: In the Scientific and Mathematical section of Symbols by Sandra Forty, she documents the line-bump-line piece of our logo's square as the symbol for Spirit: "Alchemists considered life a vital essence -- that is, a substance independent from bodily existence that [is] the 'active presence in all of us that strives toward perfection.' "
About Janice Lind
Janice Lind is Certified to perform Oracle Readings by the Sundust Oracle Institute. She lives and works in the Seattle, Washington area. Her 25-year professional background encompasses a wide variety of experiences and educational opportunities which have developed her skills, wisdom, and empathy to a degree that her clients find of inestimable value. The ranges of her experience are as wide as the gulfs between homelessness and wealth, athletically gifted and physically disabled, mental acuity and psych ward inmate, single parent and nuclear family member, fast-food clerk and published author, part-time secretary and multi-business owner, high school truant and adult school principal, and the list goes on. Janice Lind feels humbled and indebted to those teachers and fellow-journeyers who have helped her along her path, and is called to pass these lessons forward, that the benefit may not be lost.